Monday, May 2, 2011

What I am Doing?

I love to cook.  I also love to cook healthy.  My friend, Jenny, says one of the reason she loves me is that, "she actually thinks that her super-healthy food tastes good."  I would agree with her.  I think healthy food actually tastes good. 

I got married six months ago and have been cooking a lot more.  Like 3-4 times a week.  This does not seem like a lot to most people, but I am at work at least 3 nights a week until late.  Cooking this much is a joy!  Also embarking upon this cooking journey is our joining of a CSA.  We love the one we joined, J R Organics.  I love the variety of food we get and the fact that we pick up at the Farmers Market.  This means we get to swap out things we do not really eat a lot of, like lettuce.  Cook a vegetable like kale or collard greens and I am in heaven.  Make me eat a salad and I am in hell.  Why they are so astronomically different, I do not know, but in my mind they are.

I also do not like to cook the same dish multiple times.  I get bored really easily.  Part of it is that when I make something I always make too much.  We have leftovers for days.  This means by the time I have had something four times, I can no longer eat it.

A lot of my recipes are made up based on what we have in the house.  The CSA determines a lot of that.  I also use the internet and cook books, but a lot of my meals are based on guesswork.  There will be no exact recipes, unless I got them from another website.  Sorry.  I almost never stick strictly to the recipe unless I am baking, which I rarely do, or cooking something from Mastering the Art of French Cooking.  Julia Child must be obeyed at all times!  A lot of my recipes are vegetarian.  We do not eat a lot of meat for both health and sustainability reasons. We are not vegetarians, but you will find a lot of recipes with tofu, beans and other protein substitutes.  This kills my mom.  She thinks we should have meat at least once a day.  This will never happen.  I have never been a big meat eater and I am not going to start now.
So this blog is going to be about the meals I make.  I will also include the ratings my husband gives them on a 1-10 scale.  He gives a lot of dishes 6 1/2.  This in his mind is better than average.  A 6 1/2 is actually a pretty good rating.  I have never gotten higher than a 9 and he loves my cooking.  I have gotten a 3 once, but that was after the Easter bean fiasco of 2010, but we won't talk about that.


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